The following five questions are focused around a public library. Staff members are trying to gain insight on current library card holders and have sent out a short survey to them. Read each prompt carefully and determine the variable type for each question.

1) Library card holders were asked whether or not they have checked out a book from the library in the past month (yes or no). What type of variable would their response be considered?

ans. Categorical Nominal

2) Library card holders were asked to report the amount of late fees they have been charged in the past year (input in the form of $XX.XX). What type of variable would their response be considered?

ans. Quantitative Continous

3) Library card holders were asked to reflect on their most recent book they checked out and report the genre that it most closely represented (i.e. Science Fiction, Action, Romance, Mystery, etc.). What type of variable would their response be considered?

ans. Categorical Nominal

Question 4

4) The library recently added a new online checkout/renewal system. Library card holders were asked how many times they have used the new online system. What type of variable would their response be considered?

ans. Quantitative Discrete

Question 5

5) Library card holders were asked to report the satisfaction of their library experience during their last visit using a 1 to 5 scale (with the following representations: 1 - Extremely Unsatisfied, 2 - Unsatisfied, 3 - Neutral, 4 - Satisfied, 5 - Extremely Satisfied). What type of variable would their response be considered

ans. Categorical Ordinal