how to create index in oracle?

1)   Create index on table student for the column student name.
Ø create index id1 on stu(reg_no);
2)   Create unique index on client master for the column client no.
Ø create unique index id2 on cli_master(c_no);
3)   Create index on sales order detail fro column order_no and product no.
Ø create unique index id3 on sod(p_no,o_id);
4)   Display first 5 record from Student table and sort record in ascending order of  name, also display row no. and row id.
Ø select rowid,rownum,reg_no,name from stu where rownum<=5 order by name;

5)   Retrieve  row no. ,row id, Client no and name from Client Master table in descending order of client no.
Ø select rowid,rownum,c_no,name from cli_master order by c_no desc;

6)   Rename index create on Student table.
Ø alter index id1 rename to ind;

7)   Drop index on Student table and Sales order detail table.
Ø drop index ind;
Ø drop index id2;

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