Understanding the Request / Response Cycle In Python

Exploring the HyperText Transport Protocol

You are to retrieve the following document using the HTTP protocol in a way that you can examine the HTTP Response headers.

There are three ways that you might retrieve this web page and look at the response headers:

  • Preferred: Modify the socket1.py program to retrieve the above URL and print out the headers and data. Make sure to change the code to retrieve the above URL - the values are different for each URL.
  • Open the URL in a web browser with a developer console or FireBug and manually examine the headers that are returned.
  • Use the telnet program as shown in lecture to retrieve the headers and content.


import socket

mysock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

mysock.connect(('data.pr4e.org', 80))

cmd = 'GET http://data.pr4e.org/intro-short.txt HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n'.encode()


while True:

data = mysock.recv(512)

if (len(data) < 1):




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