3341603- Fundamentals Of Software Development Question Bank

1.       Define Software Engineering 
2.       What is Risk Identification? 
3.       Explain cardinality and modality 
4.       Discuss software characteristics in brief.
5.       Describe cohesion and coupling. 
6.       List different software process framework activities. 
7.       Explain data attributes 
8.       What is unit testing? 
9.       List out the project estimation techniques 
10.    Explain data objects. 
11.    Define Black Box Testing. 
12.    Define Software. 
13.    List any Two Tools used in Data Flow Diagram. 
14.    List Umbrella activities. 
15.    Define Functional Requirements. 
16.    Define Risk. 
17.    Give full form (1)COCOMO(2)FTR (3)PERT (4)WBS (5)UML (6)AOA (7)DFD (8)CASE(9)CPM (10)PMC (11)SDLC (12)SRS (13)FP (14)TCF (15)UFP(16)ERD (17)BVA(18)CFG (19) LOC

18.    Define (i) Cyclomatic complexity (ii) Linearly Independent Path.
19.    Define organic embedded system.
20.   Justify: Spiral model can be viewed as a meta model.
1.     Explain Waterfall Model for Software Development with neat sketch.  
2.     Describe Incremental Model for Software Development with diagram. 
3.     Explain the need of Software Engineering. 
4.     Explain Software Process Framework Activities.  
5.     Describe Prototyping Model and list out its disadvantages. 
6.     Explain Spiral Model and list out its advantages.  
7.     Develop Data Flow Diagram for Institute Management System.  
8.     Compare functional and non-functional requirement of software. 
9.     Explain classification of design activities. 
10.  Explain classification of design methodology.  
11.  Describe Empirical Estimation Technique.  
12.  Describe Heuristic Technique for Project Estimation.  
13.  Explain software documentation.   
14.  Explain test documentation. 
15.  Describe code walkthrough. 
16.  Describe code inspection.  
17.  Discuss the responsibilities of software project manager.
18.  What do you mean by project monitoring and control? 
19.  Define Software. Explain umbrella activities in brief. 
20.  Discuss the Metrics for Size Estimation. 
21.  Explain the work break down structure. 
22.  Compare Black box and White box testing 
23.  List advantages of object oriented design. 
24.  Define Software. List qualities of good software. 
25.  Explain Symbols used in data flow diagram. 
26.  Explain Software Development Life Cycle. 
27.  Explain Spiral Model with Diagram. 
28.  Explain Client Server Architecture with Diagram. 
29.  Explain Requirement gathering activities. 
30.  Explain Object oriented Design 
31.  List UML diagram. Explain Use Case Diagram.
32.  Explain Delphi Cost Estimation Technique. 
33.  Explain E-R Diagram. 
34.  Write a short note on white box testing methods. 
35.  Explain: Software doesn’t wear out.
1.   List out the characteristics and explain the importance of SRS document.
2.   Define Risk.Explain Risk Management.

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