The Aim of our project is to develop an application which shows all kind of graphs/charts related to institutes academic results. It is software which has mainly made for management of institute result analyser.
Charts are the easiest way to understand the performance/result of any thing.People can easily understand things using graph or chart formation.
Till now, generation of charts can be done using some tools.so,there is a need of some previous knowledge about that particular tools.People who is unknown about that tool cannot use that tool without any knowledge.So,there is need of system which can takes student results in some format(i.e.,excel sheet) and output as different visualization charts.
Our system has been designed with front-end as PHP which is open source scripting language and back-end as MySQL database which is used for storing results of students. Our project use high chart technology which is javascript plugin that takes input and generate charts.This plugin generate any kind of charts.
Till now,this application provide information of students result for limited time period.so, after 1 or 2 years ,student cannot show their results of previous year.To overcome this limitation,our system provide facility for students to show their result upto completion of their stream.
Our system also provide facility of  E-mail and message for getting information about student results.This application manage information like Collage result,department vice result,subject vice result,SPI vice result,subject grade vice result and student vice result.